Saturday, October 20, 2007

I Huffed and I Puffed

Round and round and round I go, where I finish, nobody knows!

Well I didn't fall, I didn't get lapped and I didn't come in last. Today was the Livermore cx race and I thought I would be able to do a little better place wise this time, but I can't seem to pump it up enough on the straits and then theres the 42 cement stairs of doom. Looks like I need some more time in spin class....that will consist of Ron yelling at me with a bull horn on my trainer in the family room, "There's no crying in cycle cross, now push it, push it"! "Get in a bigger gear, jump off your bike and run around the house, now stair step, stair step"!


X Bunny said...

i thought there were 53 stairs

Groove Talking... said...

I hear ya! It seems like a dang 100 stairs after the first 2 laps, but I guess it is after the first 2 laps.

Ron Castia said...

Lift your knees!

Take two at a time and there is only 20 steps.

Groove Talking... said...

Pants on Fire, there are 42....42 cement steps of DOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, stairs are no fun. You're getting faster and better....keep it up!!!!