Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Say I Am You

If reality is only known through consciousness, then for all practical purposes, we may assume there is nothing other than consciousness!

I am the dust that
floats in bright sunlight.
I am the sun, too, burning so bright.

Say to the dust, stay, And to the sun, keep
Moving in circles, Wake us to light.

I am the mist of
Sweet early morning,
And the soft breathing
When evening is born.

I am the wind in
Swaying green branches,
Taking my chances
As surf pounding shore.

First I the silence,
Then I the choice,
To take form as this song,
Now I the voice.

I am the candle,
And the moth flying,
flirting with dying,
As it goes round.

I the rose blooming,
And at the same time,
Nightingale lost in
Fragrance sublime.

All orders of Being,
Galaxies turning,
Intelligence burning
In evolution.

I am the lifting,
The falling away,
Living and dying,
Night and the day.

In all things created,
Known and forgotten,
I am what is,
And what is not.

Master of masters,
One within all,
You who so know me,
Answer this call:

Say now the secret,
Say the word true.
Say what the heart knows,
Say I am you.

1 comment:

Kathy Trejo said...

beautiful! Love it! :)