Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Dear Friends

I was thinking about the friends I have had and that Ron and I have had over the years, and the friends I have now.

I thought about the excellent times and the not so excellent times we have had with our friends, and that no matter how things have played out, I have always been thankful for all the wonderful moments we have shared together.

I am so thankful my dear friends for all the wonderful times we have shared, for all the lessons we have learned from each other, and for all the moments we will share together now and in the future. I am so thankful dear friends, for all the beautiful memories I have, and I will keep the most excellent memories here in my heart to cherish always!

To a Lifetime of Friends I say.............Thank You!

*Due to a limited number of hard copy pictures these are just a small sample of some of my friends*


Inn8pwr said...

We love you!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope you check in often! It was GREAT to see you this weekend, I love you my dear cousin, and I'm enjoying reading your blog posts. xoxo Debbie